Louis-Pierre GUILLAUME

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Consultant | Speaker | Digital Transformation | Knowledge Management


Foster digital transformation and collaborative innovation, to enhance the value of knowledge

For 20 years, I have been putting in place working methods and tools that enable employees to work better together and to make the most of their knowledge.

Technology makes it easier for employees to interact with each other, but if these interactions are to produce value, appropriate management methods are needed. I help organisations to improve communication and information sharing, without restricting them, in order to cultivate innovation and productivity gains.

I am bringing my experience and contacts to bring added value in digital transformation and international projects.

Louis-Pierre Guillaume


  • Knowledge Management
  • Change Management
  • International project management
  • Business Process Analysis
  • IT Program Management
  • Community leadership
  • Consulting
  • Sales of service
  • Strategy
  • Training
  • Speaker
  • Office 365
  • Statistical analysis & surveys
  • R & HTML programming
  • KCS methodology
  • ArcategTM methodology

Soft Skills

  • Empathy
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Curiosity
  • Team Spirit
  • Problem solving

Professional Experience

Amallte (A), France

Since December 2018

Founder & CEO. Digital Transformation & Knowledge Management
  • Currently leading a consulting engagement to help a public organisation design its Community Management program.
  • Currently leading a consulting engagement to help a company improve its digital maturity and collaboration culture.
  • Recently ended a digital workplace project in a multinational, aiming at improving efficiency through tailored usages of Microsoft Office 365.
  • Co-authoring a book on communities with practitioners and researchers, to be published this year.

KEDGE Business School, CNAM, Sorbonne University, SKEMA BS, France

Since January 2016

Visiting Professor
  • Trainer at Master level and continuing education, in classroom and remotely, using collaborative teaching methods, remote group facilitation and reverse classroom.
  • Topics covered: Knowledge management, communities of practice, virtual team collaboration.

Schneider Electric (SE), France

December 2009 - September 2018

Director - Knowledge Management Office Led the knowledge management and social collaboration strategy. Designed and managed the program of communities of practices, with after 6 years of growth federated 180+ communities with 20000 members, interacting daily on our enterprise social collaboration platform. This program received the "Connect People" Gold Trophy in 2015 from the CEO.
Led the Schneider internal Wikipedia, with 7000 articles and 1500 contributors. Coached several global knowledge management projects, about lessons learned in projects. Supported local KM initiatives, promoted their re-use and expansion globally. Delivered performance management trainings to managers. Co-authored research papers with universities. Led a well-being initiative during 2 years.
Winner of the 2017 European MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises) Award organized by Teleos and the Know Network. Finalist of the 2017 KM Reality Award organized by KMWorld. Two books published in 2017 describe the Schneider Electric communities of practice through the Communities@Work program.

Schlumberger (SLB), France

2007- November 2009

Collaboration Business Program Manager. Managed the Pilot of the Collaboration project, aimed at instilling the collaboration culture and provide the environment to efficiently team up internally and externally. Change management and deployment of best practices were the main focus. The pilot was deployed to 2300 users located in about 10 locations in 4 countries, on the latest Microsoft 2007 technologies.
This project received the "Performed by Schlumberger" Silver Award in 2010 from the CEO.

2003 - 2007

Corporate Portal & Search Business Project Manager. Enabled Schlumberger to successfully capture and re-use business-driven knowledge, through content management tools and processes, embedded within the corporate intranet portal, search and online translation.
Co-designed and managed the Schlumberger Wikipedia, which received the "IT Innovation" Gold Award in 2007 from the CIO.
Initiated and managed the CRONOS Records Management Pilot, aimed at designing good Records Management practices in Schlumberger

2002 - 2003

Enterprise Business Process and KM Manager at SchlumbergerSema. Created and lead the bid management community of practice (CoP) that reached 500+ members worldwide. Managed a team that designed the global Project Accounting processes and rules for the consulting business of SchlumbergerSema (which was divested to Atos the same year).

2000 - 2002

Technical Documentation Project Manager. Designed and managed the worldwide deployment of the corporate Technical Document Management System used to produce XML-based technical documentation for the tools used by the field engineers. This project received the "Performed by Schlumberger" Bronze Award in 2002 from the CEO.
Designed and deployed the SGML authoring environment that was used to publish the Schlumberger-specific SAP user help-on-line. Supervised the authoring of the Help-on-line by 10 technical writers..


Certificate in Team Coaching
MBA, International Marketing - McGill University (Canada)
Masters of Sciences, Applied Mathematics - Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada).
                     Thesis: Navigation of an autonomous mobile vehicule in a mine.
Masters of Sciences, Robotics, and Automation Engineering - ESIEE engineering school (France)
Many MOOCs and internal training


  • French:  Mother tongue
  • English:  Very Fluent
  • German: Intermediary
  • Spanish: Beginner

Certifications, Affiliations, Volunteering

Professional Achievements

Personal Interests

  • Business, economics, technology, science, science-fiction, architecture, gardening, do-it-yourself, cooking, photography, art.
  • Sport: Swimming, mountain bike

Presentations - Publications - Contributions - Video

  1. MANY MORE ARTICLES on the AMALLTE web site since April 2020
  2. Afraid of engagement? Towards an understanding of engagement in virtual communities of practice, published in Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 07 April 2020
  3. Travailler au-delà des frontières – La collaboration dans les équipes virtuelles (Video). Conférence devant 500 étudiants de SKEMA BS, janvier 2020
  4. La communauté, collectif de confiance mutuelle indispensable au partage et à la gestion en commun des savoirs, à la journée d’étude du CNAM-INTD "Comment aborder une démarche Knowledge Management ?", 17 octobre 2019.
  5. Measuring the value of communities: a Schneider Electric case study, at SIKM Leaders Community, 16 April 2019. Audio recording (60 min)
  6. Les communautés de pratiques – Maillon essentiel de la stratégie KM de l’entreprise (Communities of practice - An essential part of a company's KM strategy ), at 7th International Conference on Technical Communication: Transforming Knowledge, Diderot University, Paris, France, 1 February 2019. Audio recording (26 min)
  7. Comment connecter la fonction learning au plus proche des enjeux business et d’excellence industrielle? (How to connect the learning function as closely as possible to the business and industrial excellence challenges?), table ronde / round table at LTD Conference, Paris, France, 6 December 2018.
  8. Les communautés de pratique et innovation (Communities of practice and innovation), table ronde / round table at 4ème Séminaire du Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO) , BETA, Strasbourg, France, 8-9 November 2018.
  9. Se Transformer sans Collaborer, est-ce possible ? (Is it possible to Transform without Collaborating?), interview by Cecile Rayssiguier, Paris, 7 April 2018
  10. Future of work - La révolution numérique (Video). Interview by BFM TV, Avril 2018
  11. Assurer le partage des savoirs et le transfert de compétences (Ensure knowledge sharing and skills transfer), table ronde / round table at LTD Conference, Paris, France, 7 December 2017.
  12. Social Learning and Learning Communities (Social learning et communautés d'apprentissage) (PDF), at Les Rencontres du eLearning et de la Formation Mixte, Paris, 14-15 November 2017
  13. Cohabitation harmonieuse entre Teams et Yammer chez Schneider Electric (PDF) published in Collaboratif-info., 20 October 2017
  14. Entre structuration des connaissances et socialisation des pratiques, comment faire évoluer les modes de gestion des connaissances et garantir leur efficacité ? (PDF), at ANVIE, Paris, 10 October 2017
  15. Schneider Electric, retour sur l'usage des outils collaboratifs dans une approche de Knowledge Management globalisée (PDF), at Microsoft Experiences 17, Paris, 03 October 2017
  16. Next-generation Communities of Practice: Schneider Electric SE Case Study. This 23-page case study details how Schneider Electric built an enterprise community management program and quickly established a large number of thriving communities in order to bolster online collaboration across its global workforce. APQC (American Productivity and Quality Center), June 2017
  17. Les communautés d'innovation (Innovation Communities). Chapter 8 of the book describes the steering of the Schneider Electric communities of practice through the Communities@Work program. Extracts of the book (PDF). June 2017.
  18. Communautés de pratique et management de la formation (Communities of Practice and the Management of Learning). Chapter 9 of the book describes the framework of the Schneider Electric communities of practice. Flyer (PDF). June 2017.
  19. Le programme Communities@Work pour piloter les communautés de pratique (Steering Communities of Practice through the Communities@Work program(PDF), at Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO), Toulon, France, 12-13 June 2017
  20. Encourage the adoption of the Social Professional Network through the communities(PDF), at Intra.Net Reloaded, Berlin, Germany, 27-28 April 2017
  21. What is the secret of the vitality of the communities of Schneider Electric? (Video). Interview by Intra.Net Reloaded, Berlin, Germany, 27-28 April 2017
  22. Les communautés apprenantes dans les grandes organisations (Video); table ronde 1, L'apport des communautés à la stratégie (PDF). Conférence de l'association CoP-1, Paris, France, 24 November 2016
  23. L'entreprise à l'ère du digital - Nouvelles pratiques collaboratives (New collaborative practices in the digital enterprise). The Schneider Electric enterprise community management program 'Communities@Work' and internal wikipedia 'iSEE' are highlighted as role models. Extracts of the book (PDF). November 2016.
  24. La transformation digitale des entreprises (Digital transformation of the enterprises). The Schneider Electric Knowledge Management Office, 'Communities@Work', the enterprise community management program and 'Spice', the enterprise social network, are highlighted. Extracts of the book (PDF). October 2016.
  25. La mode des réseaux sociaux d'entreprise (Enterprise Social Networks are trendy) (PDF). Article published in L'Expansion on 30 August 2016.
  26. The Well-Being Yoga Lab I am organizing in Schneider Electric, Paris (France) (Video). Video broadcasted in TV program "L'heure H" on BFM Business, 24 August 2016
  27. L'intelligence a-t-elle encore sa place en entreprise ?, at La Maison du Management, Paris, France, 11 février 2016
  28. Augmenting employee engagement and business value through global communities(PDF), at APQC MENA KM Conference, Dubai, UAE, 19 November 2015
  29. Communities to foster expertise sharing and break silos (Les communautés pour décloisonner et partager les expertises) (PDF), table ronde / round table at Congrès HR, Paris, 7 October 2015
  30. Measure the Business Value of Communities of Practice (PDF), at 1er SYMPOSIUM du Knowledge Communities Observatory, KEDGE Business School Toulon, France, 11-12 June 2015.
  31. Communities of Practice and Busines Value (PDF), at Ecole de Management , Strasbourg, France, 2 April 2015. Video recording of the event.
  32. From the Knowledge Sharing towards the Digital Transformation (PDF), at Enterprise 2.0, Paris, France, 5 February 2015
  33. Collaborative efficiency (Efficacité collaborative) (PDF), at Évènement 01 Business Forum, Paris, France, 4 February 2015
  34. Schneider-Electric, its communities, its social network (Schneider Electric, ses communautés, son réseau social d'entreprise) (Video). Interview in TV program "Good Morning Business" on BFM Business, 19 January 2015 
  35. Augmenter l’engagement des employés et la valeur de l’entreprise grâce aux communautés globales (Augmenting employee engagement and business value through global communities) (PDF), at Colloque InnovENT-E– Communautés de pratiques, Paris, France, 8 December 2014
  36. Transformer le learning à l’heure du digital, question de mindset ou de technologie? (Augmenting employee engagement and business value through global communities) (PDF), at LTD Conference, Paris, France, 4 December 2014. Video published (Video).
  37. Quels dispositifs pour susciter de nouvelles formes d’attention et de coopération et pour favoriser l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences ? (Augmenting employee engagement and business value through global communities) (PDF), participant at the ANVIE workshop Quelles nouvelles pratiques encourager et quelles formes d’organisation du travail adopter pour une meilleure efficacité ?, Paris, France, 3 December 2014
  38. Intelligence collective et performance. Les communautés de pratiques chez Schneider Electric (Collective Intelligence and Performance. Communities of Practice at Schneider Electric) (PDF), at Université Ouverte des Compétences Conference (UODC), Paris, France, 2 December 2014. Video recording of the event.(Video)
  39. Delivering Global Business Value via Knowledge Collaboration (PDF), at KMWorld Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 7 November 2014
  40. Schneider Electric tord le cou à quelques idées reçues sur le 2.0 (Schneider Electric debunks some misconceptions about 2.0). Article published in BFM TV on 25 June 2014.
  41. KM, Competitive Intelligence, Collaboration 2.0 (KM, intelligence compétitive, collaboration 2.0) (PDF), at I-Expo workshop, Paris, France, 11 June 2014
  42. Les communautés renforcent l'entreprise (PDF). Article published in L'Usine Nouvelle on 5 June 2014.
  43. Social media: What’s trending? Article published in the Schneider-Electric Sustainability Report 2013-2014 on May 2014.
  44. Augmenting employee engagement and business value through global communities (PDF), at APQC KM Conference, Houston, Tx, USA, 10 April 2014
  45. Wanted: An Active, Viable, Collaborative on-Line Community (PDF). White paper published on the Schneider-Electric Web Site on 19 March 2014.
  46. Hooking a Program of Enterprise Communities Management to a Social Network Platform - One Year Later (Greffer un programme de communautés métiers au réseau social d'entreprise - Un an après) (PDF), at Congrès LTD, Paris, 5 December 2013
  47. Schneider Electric finalist at KM Reality Awards at the 2013 KMWorld Conference 2013. Schneider Electric was finalist of the 2013 KMWorld Reality Award, thanks to both its enterprise community management program and its social collaboration platform. KM World on 29 October 2013.
  48. Schneider Electric Plugs its Employees on its Enterprise Social Network (Schneider Electric branche ses salariés sur son réseau social). Article published in the magazine 01 Business on 17 October 2013.
  49. Hooking a Program of Enterprise Communities Management to a Social Network Platform (Greffer un programme de communautés métiers au réseau social d'entreprise) (PDF), at Congrès HR , Paris, 8 October 2013
  50. How to Avoid Chaos 2.0? (Comment éviter le chaos 2.0 ?) (Video). Roundable in the TV program 01 Business on BFM TV, 14 September 2013.
  51. The Enterprise Social Network, Enabler of Growth (Le RSE comme levier de croissance). Article and video interview published in the magazine INfluencia on September 2013.
  52. How to get Support and Sponsorship for Social Collaboration and Make it Fly (PDF), at World Class Social-enabled Enterprise 2013, Frankfurt, 12-13 June 2013
  53. Communities of Practice, first enabler of Schneider Electric's Enterprise Social Network (PDF). Article published in Collaboratif-Info on 25 April 2013.
  54. Attach the Community Management Program to the Enterprise Social Network to Organize Collaboration around Business Objects (PDF), at Les Carrefours Logistiques of BECOMM, Paris, April 2013. Presidency of Day 1. Article published in Collaboratif-Info
  55. How Communities Foster Knowledge Sharing? (PDF), at Enterprise 2.0 Summit, Paris, 20-21 March 2013. Articles published in Collaboratif-Info, Petit Web, CIO Online et L'Atelier
  56. KM methods and practices - Communities and Collective Intelligence (PDF). Article published in Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information 2012/2 Vol. 49, Page 51.
  57. Enterprise Social Networks, what is the Role of the Training Function in the Construction of Learning Networks? (PDF), at Congrès LTD , Paris, 19 June 2012
  58. Speaker at the webcast "HR Challenges and Solutions: Engaging and Empowering Employees in the New Workplace" by Corporate Leaders, 16 May 2012
  59. Communities for our Collective Intelligence (PDF), participant at the ANVIE workshop Supporting managers to promote networking, Paris, 9 May 2012
  60. How can Communities of Practice help transform the Business and the Workplace? (PDF), at Congrès HR , Paris, 4 April 2012
  61. Moderator of the roundtable "Manage the organizational change in an Enterprise 2.0" at Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management, 30 March 2012
  62. Speaker at the round table "La Tribune des Métiers de l'Infodoc" at Documation 2011, Paris, 24 March 2011
  63. Des vidéos en ligne pour le knowledge management (PDF), Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information, 2010, vol 47, n°4
  64. Value of video as a way to accelerate user change management, two examples: Optimize Your Team Meetings (Video) and Effective Document Review (Video)
  65. Enterprise 2.0. Participation to a round table at the iExpo - KM Forum 2.0, Paris, June 2009
  66. Web 2.0 tools and social networks (PDF), Les Carrefours Logistiques de BECOMM, Paris, March 2009
  67. Project Coll@borate: Increasing Productivity Through Technology (PDF), SPE R&D Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009.
  68. Communities of practices, tools 2.0, social networks: how to optimize and regulate their use (PDF), participant at the ANVIE workshop Towards Enterprise 2.0, Paris, November 2008,
  69. The management of communities of practice (PDF), participated to a round table at the iExpo - KM Forum 2.0, Paris, June 2008. Notes.
  70. "Deployment of a Collaborative Working Environnement" (PDF), a joint Accenture and Microsoft event, Paris, May 2008
  71. Apprivoiser MoReq - Pour archiver et conserver l’information, participation to the French working group on best practices to implement the Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records, January  2005 - October 2007.
  72. The new tools are coming, Archimag, June 2007
  73. "Schlumberger Hub and Blogs", Presentation to the Schlumberger Legal Community, Paris, January 2007,
  74. How to Save Money Through Compliance and Records Management? (PDF), Atos-Origin and Filenet Workshop, Paris, November 2006,
  75. "Good governance helps enterprise content management systems: example of the redesign of The Hub", Schlumberger internal Eureka Information Management CoP workshop, Houston, November 2005, Schlumberger internal Eureka Information Management CoP workshop, Houston, November 2005
  76. "Designing good records management practices: the concept phase of the CRONOS project", Schlumberger internal Eureka Information Management CoP workshop, Houston, November 2005
  77. Strategy and Governance of Content Management and Collaborative Systems (PDF), Documation 2005, Paris, March 2005
  78. The Operational Aspect of KM at Schlumberger (PDF), with Hervé Gibert (Principal Business Consultant, SchlumbergerSema), KM Forum, Paris, October 2003
  79. Knowledge Management and Business in a Multinational Corporation (PDF), Rencontres CXP (Giga Group), Paris, June 2003
  80. Knowledge Management and Business in a Multinational Corporation (PDF), Les Carrefours Logistiques de BECOMM, Paris, February 2003
  81. Knowledge Management and Know-How Sharing: The Métier Repository (PDF), with Jérome Clauzure (Consultant SchlumbergerSema), KM Forum, Paris, September 2002
  82. Knowledge Management and Business in a Multinational Corporation (PDF), Les Carrefours Logistiques de BECOMM, Paris, June 2002
  83. How to Produce and Enhance the Value of Operational Information in a Multinational Corporation (PDF), IDT/Net, Paris, June 2002
  84. The Challenge of Updating a Structured Technical Documentation in XML (PDF), Documation, Paris, March 2002
  85. The Sharing of Know-How, Interview in e+ l'Usine Nouvelle, December 2001
  86. Deployment of an XML Documentation and Training Project Across a Multinational Corporation (PDF), XML USA, Florida, December 2001
  87. KM at Schlumberger, the role of the information and documentation professionals (PDF), ANVIE, Paris, October 2001
  88. Technology Based Training and Documentation - Different and Yet Similar (PDF), KM Forum, Paris, September 2001
  89. XML Data: relational databases are resisting, Décision Micro, 18 June 2001
  90. Networking for Technical Excellence and Business Success (PDF), ADBS (Association des Professionnels de l'Information et de la Documentation), Paris, January 2001
  91. Networking for Technical Excellence and Business Success (PDF), ANVIE (Association Nationale pour la Valorisation Interdisciplinaire de la recherche en sciences de l'homme et de la société auprès des Entreprises), Paris, October 2000